
Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Optics:Introduction and History

What is optics?
Optics is the science which deals with the science of study of light , the properties of light , it's transmission and behaviour. optics involves the relationship of light of with matter and their interaction. It has found its use even in ophthalmology and spectrography , while rapidly finding its application in various fields.

History of Optics

The word optics has been derived from the Greek word τα ὀπτικά (ta optiká) which means the visual.It was the Greek and Indian civilizations that made great advances in optics, though the development of the first lens was by the Assyrians , which is modern day Iraq was the first to make the lens.These lenses were made of Quartz and were used as burning glasses.They were housed in the palace of Nimrud thus giving their name Nimrud Lens.Light was considered as one of the vital elements which is required for life by the Greeks.Euclid, around 300 BC compiled his book known as optics which dealt with the geometry and behaviour of light.It dealt with vision and how it is perceived.He thus put forth :

1.Lines (or visual rays) can be drawn in a straight line to the object.
2.Those lines falling upon an object form a cone.
3.Those things upon which the lines fall are seen.
4.Those things seen under a larger angle appear larger.
5.Those things seen by a higher ray, appear higher.
6.Right and left rays appear right and left.
7.Things seen within several angles appear clearer.

Even the Hero of Alexandria in his famous catoptrics has dealt with various factors of optics.While in the Islamic countries, al-kindi and Ibn stahl put forth a number of axioms related to optics.

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